Fortuitous Luck

Fortuitous Luck is the fourth of five novella books released on the A Funny Thing Happened series from Author SD Tracy Harper.

     Fortuitous Luck is a complete self-contain mini-novel about a guy going to his first Sci-Fi Convention with great hopes of meeting his teen dream character in person. From the first episode he (and all pubescent boys) instantly fell in love with her, and had been preparing himself from the moment his parents gave him a vacation package to his first Sci-Fi convention as a college graduation present.
     On the day his Sci-Fi dream girl was to make her special appearance, he is kidnapped and his life would never be the same ever again. It was the best day of his life! However,  when things couldn’t get much better even in your dreams, there are others who don’t see things as you and lose their damn mines. This is the fourth of five totally different directions all beginning from the same starting point and that is; A Funny Thing Happened.


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